Do any GUI frameworks support WASM? I'm using Dear ImGui for my cross-platform projects (which includes running in browsers): - (start the emulators by clicking the little "UI" icon to get the debugger UI) (start by clicking the little "UI" icon) abstraction is handled through the sokol headers: ImGui is small and fast enough for running in browsers (it will add up to a few hundred KBytes of WASM byte code). If this is too much "bloat", there are smaller, but also less powerful alternatives like microui:
Dear ImGui "Give someone state and they'll have a bug one day, but teach them how to represent state in two separate locations that have to be kept in sync and they'll have bugs for a lifetime." -ryg someone state and they'll have a bug one day, but teach them how to represent state in two separate locations that have to be kept in sync and they'll have bugs for a lifetime