
erm?????? what does this site do

I just use it to organize my notes/thoughts/links using set theory and other people can view them if they want. If you run Mindapp locally, you get the option to store links in in a local space so they're private and you also get to install the extension which makes adding links super fast. There are other features to be added, but there isn't much incentive to add them at this point. For example, the votes could be used to prioritize the feed, so if a post get downvoted enough times or by specific accounts, it is less likely to show up.

Another feature I could add is a feed to show all the posts waiting for your account's response

The MapLibre Organization is an umbrella for open-source mapping libraries. MapLibre GL JS Open-source TypeScript library for publishing maps on your website. Great performance due to GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering. GitHub API Documentation Plugins Style Spec MapLibre Native Open-source C++ library for displaying maps inside of your mobile applications, desktop application, or embedded devices. GPU-acceleration through OpenGL and Metal. GitHub Android API Android Examples iOS Documentation Core C++ API Book Style Spec MapLibre Style Specification A MapLibre style is a document that defines the visual appearance of a map: what data to draw, the order to draw it in, and how to style the data when drawing it. A style document is a JSON object with specific root level and nested properties. This specification defines and describes these properties. GitHub Style Specification Maputnik Style Editor Martin Martin is a tile generator and server able to create Map Vector Tiles (MVTs) from large PostGIS databases on the fly, or serve tiles from PMTile and MBTile files. Martin optimizes for speed and heavy traffic, and is written in Rust. Martin includes CLI tools for generating, diffing, extracting, and combining MBTiles files. GitHub Demo Book Additional projects Awesome MapLibre on GitHub All MapLibre GitHub repositories


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