Disturbing trend on TT/YT/IG: entire social channels with nonsense recipes. They're clearly narrated by AI and likely written by it, but the videos appear real. The channels have no affiliate websites, but millions of subs. It's just chaos. Like this egg horror:
https://twitter.com/mualphaxi/status/1787658007028924754Google shifts culture, CEO notes 'this is a business'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhT5bdSTAbwFrom "Don't be Evil" to "Do the Right Thing" to "This is a Business."
The Day the Earth Stood Still
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043456/Rent crisis: why is renting so bad in the UK?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br415hqbNGM&t=62sFrom 1994 to 2003, 9 years, I spent an enormous amount of time energy and effort warning everyone I knew, as well as writing letters to the local and national newspapers, warning that this was the future the UK was heading for. All that happened was that I was laughed at an ridiculed. It even lead to my wife divorcing me because I would not stop campaigning. In 2003 I emigrated. I wonder if those who laughed at me are still laughing? These days, if I see the future I just keep my mouth shut. "Human-beings tend only to be motivated to make a change when they are right on the precipice of disaster." From the Sci-fi movie, 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'
Why This Man’s Skin Turned Blue
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDz75iaSW2s"This man got so sick of racism he decided to create his own seperate race" "Whenever someone says “Blue Lives Matter”, I think of this guy"
Anime theme songs
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLvSt3A0Ddlq1nbf88PpdPzEkWN5T_bbMy Self Introduction 私の自己紹介 Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuELuCOHJxIThese were mentioned in the Iago web app
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vzcfZSP4VAThe reason given for using foil is completely wrong. Aluminum foil reacts with the vinegar in mustard. You could use any "condiment" with vinegar (as long as it also contains less sugars) and this will still work. As the mustard (i.e. vinegar) dissolves the aluminum, a transfer of positive ions flow from the burn away to the foil. Positive ions are a big factor in feeling pain. If you make positive ions from a painful injury flow away...pain decreases. This has been known, and used, since WWII by Japan in the Pacific. They'd get burned and have no bandages (when napalmed by the USA while trapped on little islands)...so they would wrap burned limbs in corrugated roofing material which would react with the oozy burns resulting in just this chemical reaction. AND, a very small electrical charge also occurs which reduces (by a lot) infection setting in...
YEP! I'm an old lady now and I learned this stuff way back in the day working in diners. A young fella was going through the kitchen putting up dishes and such and he was leaning and slipped a little bit and when he tried to catch himself his hand off the cooking counter and dipped into the deep fryer🤯! Yikes! It was horrible! But an old lady and gentlemen, both cooks in the kitchen, immediately grabbed a big jug of yellow mustard and put his hand all the way in it and then pulled out and loosely wrapped the whole hand in the aluminum foil. It was incredible. We was all freakin' out but those folks knew what to do. They took him to the hospital themselves and later we found from the doctors that the mustard had save his hand 😅 . I NEVER forgot that day, and luckily enough, I've never had to use that method on such a grand scale as that. Important note here: NEVER throw a wet towel on a burning person thinking that the moisture will put the fire out quicker saving the person from damage. The Truth is the moisture steams the flesh burning it several layers deeper than it would if you had used a dry towel. Be careful out there kids! As I always use to tell my youngins; Be Cool, be Kind and be Careful and have a Great Day!🌻🐝🌻